Frequently Asked Questions

Why the long wait time?

Wait time depends on the volume of readings I have & the uploading times via Youtube. The longer the reading the longer it takes to upload on Youtube. Your reading has to go through a uploading & processing stage. That can take a an hour or few depending on length.

How does the Personal Video Reading work through Youtube? Do I need an account?

No, you do not need a a Youtube Account for me to send you your Video Personal Reading. Personal readings will be through a live freestyle tarot spread. Depending on your reading. Check out my Youtube page for example. The processing of your personal reading depends on the length. Your reading has to go through a uploading & processing stage. That can take a an hour or few depending on length.

How long are your Personal Video Readings?

There is no time limit on video readings… it can range from 10 minutes - 40 minutes or more if you need it. Of course if your spirit guides give me a reading that’s less than 8 minutes I do provide follow up questions and will assist so you get your money’s worth!!! I cannot limit myself on what you need to know due to a time constraint. I will keep pulling cards until your guides tell me to stop. I NEVER delete your Readings unless you would like me to! Once deleted you cannot get it back.

Can I ask questions after the reading?

Of Course you can!! I am here to help at all times. I am a Virgo love being at service! I don’t charge for that you paid me you deserve to follow up for FREE!